Hidden cozy place in Bali - Lok Lok
Several days ago, my husband said that he found a small food court next to his gym. Well, he has been going to that gym for a month and he found that place just now. I know, his ability to observe is really bad.
So, the next day we decided to go to that place after work. It's located in an alley at Sunset Road. Actually, I've went past that place for like hundreds of times, yet I never knew there's this interesting place.. I was so surprised when I got there because it looks like common housing alley from the main road.
The food court is inside Harris Hotel's area. When I entered, Lok-lok was the first place that caught my eyes. It's really cozy with fake grass flooring and colorful bean bag chairs.
The price's also cheap. Everything cost 7k IDR. It's a self service resto so you can pick whatever you want and you can choose either to boil or grill or deep fried it. I suggest to try to deep-fried their mushroom and tofu skin, and eat them with their spicy soup.. oh yuum!
source https://web.facebook.com/sunsetstreetfood/photos/pcb.1813535292024391/1813534762024444/?type=3&theater
The food is halal, so for Muslim fellows, don't worry! ;)
You can also buy foods from the other merchant and bring it to Lok-lok's area. For more info, follow their Facebook page here.
Bon appetit!
Ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu suami gue menemukan pujasera kecil di dekat tempat dia biasa nge-gym. Sebenernya dia udah pergi ke gym itu selama sebulan sih, tapi dia baru menemukan tempat itu sekarang. Iya, kemampuan observasinya memang buruk
Jadi besoknya kami langsung mencoba kesana sepulang kerja. letaknya ada di gang di Sunset Road. Gue sebenernya sudah melewati gang itu beratus-ratus kali tapi ga pernah tau ada tempat makan seru gitu. Agak terkejut juga waktu kesana karena dari depan kelihatannya kayak gang perumahan biasa.
Pujasera ini letaknya ada di kawasa hotel Harris. Waktu gue masuk, si Lok-lok ini yang pertama menarik perhatian gue . Tempatnya nyaman banget dengan lantai fake grass dan kursi-kursi bean bag.
Harga makanannya pun terjangkau. Semuanya seharga 7ribu rupiah. Kalian bisa pilih sendiri mau makan apa aja, terus bisa pilih mau di rebus, goreng atau bakar. Gue saranin cobain buat goreng jamur dan kulit tahunya, terus dimakan pake kuah pedas yang mereka sediakan... aduh enaknya!
Disini makanannya juga halal, jadi buat yang muslim ga perlu khawatir ya! ;)
Kalian juga bisa beli makanan dari stand-stand lain disana terus makan di area Lok-lok, diperbolehkan kok :) Untuk info lebih lanjut kalian bisa follow facebook pagenya disini.
Selamat makan!
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