Victoria's Secret - Love Me Eau De Parfum
Several months ago I went to a local mall near my living place where I saw an 'up to 50% discount' banner in front of Victoria's Secret store. I had never bought anything from Victoria's Secret before so when I saw that banner I thought 'why not?'. So after browsing for a while, I decided to buy their Love Me perfume. The original price was around 1.2 million IDR (around 90 USD when this blog is written) for 100ml, I have to pay around 670k IDR after discount.
The bottle is really cute, it has a vintage style pump and black large lettering around it. I love the scent that is combination of sweet and floral, and it's also long last. My husband said he could still smell the perfume after I got back from work.
BUT, the quality of the bottle was quite a shocker. After I used it for a month, the pump was broke! When I tried to spray it nothing came out but air. Really not the quality that I expected from something that costs 1.2M (even though I bought it when it was on discount, still, it's not like someone had used it right?). I was really disappointed. Fortunately the bottle can be opened so at least I can use the perfume with my finger (but it's really troublesome...).
I've read some reviews and many people complained about the same problem on various models that used vintage pump. I think Victoria's Secret really need to work on the quality on that specific type of pump.
In summary, I really really like their perfume. The quality of the perfume it self is not bad. But if I'm going to ever buy a Victoria's Secret perfume again in the future, I'll definitely stay away from the vintage style pump.
The bottle is really cute, it has a vintage style pump and black large lettering around it. I love the scent that is combination of sweet and floral, and it's also long last. My husband said he could still smell the perfume after I got back from work.
Cute, right!
BUT, the quality of the bottle was quite a shocker. After I used it for a month, the pump was broke! When I tried to spray it nothing came out but air. Really not the quality that I expected from something that costs 1.2M (even though I bought it when it was on discount, still, it's not like someone had used it right?). I was really disappointed. Fortunately the bottle can be opened so at least I can use the perfume with my finger (but it's really troublesome...).
I've read some reviews and many people complained about the same problem on various models that used vintage pump. I think Victoria's Secret really need to work on the quality on that specific type of pump.
In summary, I really really like their perfume. The quality of the perfume it self is not bad. But if I'm going to ever buy a Victoria's Secret perfume again in the future, I'll definitely stay away from the vintage style pump.
Beberapa bulan yang lalu pas gue lagi jalan-jalan di salah satu mall di dekat kost, gue melihat sebuah banner bertuliskan 'diskon hingga 50%' di depan tokonya Victoria's Secret. Gue sebelumnya belum pernah beli apapun dari brand mereka jadi pas lihat banner itu gue pikir 'kenapa ga?'.Akhirnya setelah melihat-lihat gue memutuskan buat beli Love Me Eau De Parfum. Harga aslinya sekitaran 1.2 juta untuk 100ml, tapi setelah diskon gue harus bayar hanya sekitar 670ribu.
Botolnya lucu banget, dia pakai pump yang model vintage terus ada huruf besar-besar disekitar botolnya. Gue juga suka banget sama baunya, perpaduan antara bau manis dan bau bunga. Dan wanginya juga tahan lama, suami gue bilang dia masih bisa cium baunya bahkan setelah gue pulang kerja.
TAPI, kualitas botolnya mengecewakan banget. Setelah 1 bulan gue pake pumpnya rusak! Pas ditekan-tekan cuma udara aja yang keluar, parfumnya ga.. Bener-bener bukan kualitas yang gue harapkan dari barang yang harganya 1.2juta sih (walaupun gue beli pas diskon tapi tetep aja kan itu barang baru, bukan bekaaas). Gue kecewa banget. Tapi untung botolnya bisa dibuka jadi paling ga gue bisa pake parfumnya dengan jari (walaupun nyusahin..).
Gue baca cukup banyak sih orang-orang yang komplain mengenai hal yang sama di web-web belanja luar negeri. Walaupun model botolnya ga sama tapi sama-sama pakai vintage pump. Kayaknya Victoria's Secret harus memberi perhatian lebih sih buat bikin kualitas pump yang lebih bagus, terutama buat yang model vintagenya.
Kesimpulannya, gue suka banget sama parfumnya, ga ada masalah dengan kulitas parfum mereka. Tapi kalo di lain waktu gue mau beli parfum lagi dari Victoria's Secret kayaknya gue bakal jauh-jauh sih dari botol yang pake vintage pump.